Forecasting and Budgeting
Forecasting systems draw on several sources for their forecasting input, including databases, e-mails, documents,
and Web sites. After processing data from various sources, sophisticated forecasting systems integrate all the necessary data
into a single spreadsheet, which the company can then manipulate by entering in various projections such as different estimates
of future sales that the system will incorporate into a new readout.
Curveline Management Solutions ensures that your business strategies are reflected in your financial plans. How do you
ensure that your day-to-day activities and each individual decision are aligned with your strategic business management solutions? By having
a properly built plan that is understood and carried out.For years, companies have viewed their budgets simply as a mandatory
estimate of the upcoming year's revenues and expenses. However, this attitude is quickly changing as the marketplace becomes more
competitive and organizations become more dynamic. Successful companies are constantly improving their ability to accurately predict
their future operations and their related resource requirements. Not only does this heighten the importance of the budgeting and
management solutions process, but it also changes the traditional roles of spreadsheets.
A flexible and sound architecture is crucial, particularly in the fast-paced, rapidly developing internet economy and that is where
Curveline Management Solutions satisfies all the above features with it's unique archiecture. If a system's base is rigid or inadequate, it can
be impossible to reconfigure to adjust to changing market conditions. Curveline budgeting and forecasting is flexible enough to support all
key budgeting initiatives, such as communicating strategies and strategic targets down through the organization, as well as giving line managers local
power to create their budgets and send them back again with supporting schedules and comments. Curveline Management Solutions will also give management consolidated and
detailed reports as well as exception reports.

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